Dual Credit allows for high school students to earn college credits while still attending high school. In addition to Navajo Language, Mathematics, English, and Public Health courses, Navajo Cultural Arts Certificate classes are now available to both Arizona and New Mexico high school students as part of the Dual Credit course offerings. The dual credit courses may be taught on a Diné College campus or on a high school campus and college credit is earned immediately upon successful course completion. The Navajo cultural arts classes are aligned with the Diné College curriculum, specifically with the Navajo Cultural Arts Certificate Degree Checklist. Through this partnership between Diné College and participating high schools, it is possible for individuals to complete the 24 credit hour Navajo Cultural Arts Certificate program by the time they graduate high school.
Helpful Diné College Links
Admission Paperwork
The process to apply for Dual Credit is dependent upon the state of the partnering high school. A listing of the partnering high schools is provided below.
Arizona High SchoolsLinks for Admission Paperwork: All paperwork must be completed to be considered for Dual Credit enrollment.
New Mexico High SchoolsLinks for Admission Paperwork: All paperwork must be completed to be considered for Dual Credit enrollment.
Partnering High Schools
Arizona High Schools
New Mexico High Schools
Navajo Cultural Arts Downloadable Files